The Esterbrook Lodge is taking reservations for receptions.
Contact Danny at 719-648-8446


We hold the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God and our final authority. God is: Father, Son & Holy Spirit. We allow only traditional Christian wedding ceremonies to be held at the church.

• We do not recognize any denomination that does not recognize God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to be part of the Christian tradition.

• We recognize the traditional, biblical definition of marriage between one man (male) and one woman (female) only, with male and female gender to be defined according to original birth certificate.

• Absolutely no smoking or alcoholic beverages permitted in or around the church. The only alcohol permitted is that which is used for Holy Communion.

• Receptions are not allowed on church property. No tents or large shade structures.

• The maximum seating capacity is 60 to 75 people.


• The service must be conducted by an ordained minister of a traditional Christian faith. No exceptions.

• You are responsible for obtaining the appropriate minister who will officiate the marriage service.

• Premarital counseling from an approved Christian clergy or other Christian counselor is required. After you complete the counseling session, the counselor must send us a letter of confirmation. This must be received in our office no later than 30 days before the wedding.

• You must complete and return the signed Marriage Questionnaire.

Church Usage Suggested Donation

• Usage: $600 per day, which includes a $200 cleaning deposit. Cleaning deposit will be returned, prorated if necessary, upon inspection.

  1. To reserve a wedding date is $200 (non-refundable) which will be applied to the total of $600.00.

  2. Balance of $400.00 due 30 days before wedding date.

• Make check payable to: Esterbrook Community Church or pay online.


Marriage questionnaires must be signed, submitted with deposit and processed prior to recording your reservation. The questionnaire must be filled out completely. The sooner we receive your questionnaire the better.

• The church may be used for weddings from Memorial Day Weekend to September 30. No exceptions.

• No more than one wedding per day will be scheduled.

• Available: Fridays and Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., except for Father’s Day weekend or other pre-scheduled events.


• You are responsible for cleaning up the church and grounds after your wedding.

• We expect you to leave the church in as good or better condition than before wedding.

• DO NOT USE NAILS or anything that will leave permanent marks.

• Do not remove furniture (the alter, the pews, etc.) from the main room.

• Please do not remove pew cushions or rearrange them; they are different sizes and only fit the bench they were made for.

• Cleaning deposit will be refunded or prorated upon inspection of church and grounds.